Workforce Lifecycle Management Software For Growing Organisations
Zampa Workforce Central is the only managed and fully supported all-in-one workforce lifecycle management software solution designed to deliver employee, contingent worker, contractor and supplier lifecycle management functionality at a price point accessible for smaller organisations operating in high-risk or highly regulated industries. Workforce Central can:
Employee, contractor, supplier and contingent worker management
SME executives and management teams face the same organisational workforce management challenges, demands and complex legislative obligations as larger enterprises when managing a hybrid workforce of employees, contractors, contingent workers, and suppliers across multiple locations or projects. The challenges include:
Corporate, Regulatory & Legislative Compliance
Ensuring the company, its workers or any subcontractor (PCBU) meet their corporate governance, WHS Duty of Care, HVNL CoR, and regulatory compliance obligations.
Workforce & Contractor Management
Ensuring the accreditation, compliance, skills, and competency of the workforce including employees, contingent workers or contractors’ employees operating high-risk equipment.
Onboarding, Inductions & Mobilisation
Inability to guarantee only pre-qualified and compliant workers or contractors are engaged on projects due to ad hoc or uncontrolled onboarding and induction processes.
Manual Processes, Paper-Based & Legacy Systems
Reliance upon manual processes, paper-based or legacy systems preventing effective holistic workforce governance, management and visibility of operational activities.
Smaller organisations are often dependent on manual, paper-based processes and software systems that are no longer ‘fit-for-purpose’ to manage their employees. As a result, effective workforce governance, assurance, oversight and management capabilities across operational locations, projects and activities are often compromised. The challenges include:
Employee Governance & Lifecycle Management
Inability to manage the employee hire-to-retire lifecycle or enforce company governance requirements across organisational activities which exposes the company to regulatory or legislative non-compliance.
Onboarding & Induction Management
Reliance on ad hoc, manual, and paper-based employee onboarding or inductions to undertake operational activity which increases the likelihood of misinformation or out-of-date employee data.
Workforce Competency & Skills Management
Inability to ensure employees have the appropriate (or up to date) qualifications, licenses, certified competencies, skills or permits to undertake operational or project-based activities.
Employee Task Management
Lacking the tools to monitor and manage employee tasks or enforce individual operational tasks across business activities.
Organisations reliant upon contingent workers to undertake temporary project-based or contract-specific work face additional governance, competency, compliance, and performance management challenges especially if the contingent worker is operating from home, completing specialised work or operating in isolation. Frequent challenges include:
Contingent Workforce Competency Management
Failure to ensure contingent workers contracted directly, via labour hire agencies or through contractors have the appropriate skills, qualifications, licenses and certified competencies to undertake workplace activities.
Pre-Qualification, Onboarding & Inductions
Inability to ensure mandatory contingent worker pre-qualification, onboarding and induction requirements have been applied, enforced or captured to mitigate PCBU non-compliance risk.
Contingent Worker Governance & Oversight
Reliance upon excel spreadsheets, legacy software solutions, manual and paper-based processes prevent proactive governance oversight of contingent workers.
PCBU Contingent Worker Duty of Care
Failure to proactively consult and engage with contingent workers to ensure workplace activities and working environments comply with corporate policies, workplace laws and WHS legislative obligations.
Contractor & Supplier Management Challenges
SMEs often lack proactive and effective contractor or supplier management, governance oversight and due diligence controls across the source-to-retire lifecycle. As a result, organisations can be exposed to significant legislative, regulatory, financial, and operational risk. Frequent challenges include:
Contractor Compliance & Due Diligence Management
Inability to ensure contractors have (or have provided) mandatory corporate compliance requirements such as up-to-date company or employee information, currency or value of insurances, certifications or disclosure of any regulatory notices/actions.
Unable to deliver tailored contractor prequalification, onboarding and induction pathways to ensure mandatory requirements have been applied, enforced and recorded to mitigate PCBU non-compliance.
Contractor Workforce Competency Management
Failure to pre-qualify and ensure contractor personnel have the appropriate qualifications, licenses, certified competencies and skills to undertake operational or project-based activities.
Enforce WHS Policies, Procedures & Best Practice
Failure to ensure and proactively monitor that contractors or suppliers (including their employees) have acknowledged or satisfied corporate policies, workplace laws and WHS legislative obligations.
Workforce Central Software Solution Overview
Governance, Assurance & Compliance
Enforce corporate, regulatory and legislative governance requirements across any employee, contractor and contingent workforce group.
Onboarding & Induction Management
Deliver tailored employee, contractor, or supplier onboarding journeys with corporate, project or activity specific induction conditions.
Accreditation, Competency & Skills
Deliver, manage, enforce and monitor stakeholder or role specific competency, training, skills and accreditation requirements.
Workforce Lifecycle Management
Manage the stakeholder hire-to-retire lifecycle across any location, project and facility with HR Core self-service functionality.
Activity, Intelligence & Reporting
Comprehensive reporting & intelligence capabilities to inform strategic, operational or project workforce decision-making.
Workforce Planning & Resourcing Management
Manage workforce resourcing demands and optimise allocation of internal or external expertise with the necessary skills or capabilities.
Talent Pools & Core HR Functionality
Configurable workforce resourcing talent pools, profile management and auditable role-based access to stakeholder records and information.
PCBU & Officer Compliance Management
Comprehensive PCBU (Duty) and Officer (Due Diligence) compliance management capability to eliminate WHS or CoR and non-compliance.
Zampa Workforce Central Overview
Zampa Workforce Central is an all-in-one SME specific workforce lifecycle management software solution developed as a direct response to the frustrations identified by clients unable to justify the cost and dedicated internal resources required to support available off-the-shelf HR, workforce, and contractor management software solutions. It transforms the ability for SMEs to support employee and contractor governance, competency, compliance, resourcing, and performance management across all activities. A selection of Zampa's Workforce Central functionality is presented below.
Our Case Studies
Selected workforce lifecycle management software & consulting services case studies for organisations operating with a blended workforce within high-risk or highly compliant industry sectors.
Every organisation has its own unique workforce management challenges and requirements. Our solutions are not only configured to meet the unique workforce management requirements of your business but designed to support your evolving workforce requirements.
Co-managed Option
For growth phase companies without dedicated resources who require a co-managed deployment model with ongoing support of a dedicated team.
Plug & Play Option
For companies with internal expertise who require a plug & play deployment model with access to software support & consulting services.
Enterprise Option
For mature companies with internal teams who require a standard SaaS deployment model with access to software support & consulting services.
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Contact Info
Head Office
Exchange Tower - Level 1, 530 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – 3000
We help transform the way organisations manage, monitor and evaluate workforce and extended supply chain compliance, resourcing, performance and governance.